Glycerin soap in lots of colors*
Soap or candy molds
Microwavable cups
Plastic or metal spoons and/or wooden popsicle sticks or coffee stirrers
Sharp knife
* This only works with glycerin soap. Transparent Neutrogena bars will work fine.
Set out everything you need, all ingredients, etc. on top of the kitchen table (or other comfortable working area) that has been covered in newspaper.
Cut bars of soap into about three pieces.
Put a piece into a cup (cut the pieces in half if you are going to mix colors).
Put soap in microwave and melt it on HIGH for about 10 to 15 seconds. It may take a bit longer on low-wattage microwaves. If it doesn't start to liquefy in 15 seconds or it starts to bubble or boil, you may not have a pure glycerin soap bar.
Remove soap using a potholder, and stir it to mix thoroughly.
Pour melted soap (you have to work quickly here as it hardens fast) into molds.
Wait about 5 minutes for soap to harden and cool.
Remove soap from molds, and put soap into gift bags or bath bags.
If you are having difficulty getting the soap out of the molds, put molds in the freezer for up to 30 minutes.
If the soap still sticks to the molds, you can put olive oil in the soap or oil the molds with oil or cooking spray