This weather reporter is made or yarn that is braided. You will need about 45 pieces of 18 inch yarn (4 ply) but depending on the thickness of yarn you use you may need less. Tie the yarn in the center and fold over, divide into 3 sections and braid. Tie a piece of yarn for the neck and one to secure the braiding at the bottom. Add 2 googly eyes and a loop.
The verse that goes with the weather reporter is:
You are now the proud owner of a weather forecaster. For best results, hang it outside a window. Be sure to check it each day. If it gets wet, it's raining! If it turns white, it's snowing! If it gets stiff, it's freezing! If it is moving, it's windy! If it is gone, you've been ripped off!!
Rock can be tied or glued to a rope or tied up in nylon netting to hang outside. You can add googly eyes to the rock also. Add the following poem.
Weather Rock
I'm a weather-wise rock. Accuracy guaranteed!! If I'm wet, it's raining. If I'm moving, it's windy. If I'm white, it's snowing. If I'm icy, it's sleeting If I'm bouncing, it's hailing. If I'm hot and dry, it's sunny. If you can't see me, it's foggy. If I'm gone, you've been ripped off!